Evans / Weppelmann .:. Botticelli reimagined

Evans Mark and Stefan Weppelmann [ed.], Botticelli reimagined. London: V&A Publishing, [2016]. 359 Seiten mit Abbildungen. Pappband (gebunden) mit Schutzumschlag. 4to.
* Catalog of an exhibition held at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 5 March 2016 - 3 July 2016.

Evans Mark and Stefan Weppelmann ed | Kunstausstellung | Ausstellungskatalog | Botticelli

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 Evans / Weppelmann .:. Botticelli reimagined

Catalog of an exhibition held at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 5 March 2016 - 3 July 2016 Contient Sandro Botticelli / Giorgio Vasari -- Botticelli and the Bottega / Caroline Campbell -- Botticelli between neoplatonism and Savonarola / Ana Debenedetti -- The portrait of a lady know as Smeralda Bandinelli / Mark Evans -- The story of Botticelli's drawings for Dante's Divine Comedy / Dagmar Korbacher -- The critical fortunes of "Vasari's Botticelli" in the nineteenth century / Ulrich Rehm -- Botticelli enters the Museum: the rediscovery of a painter and the invention of the public art museum / Ruben Rebmann -- Botticelli and the Georgians / Mark Evans -- The love affair with Florence / Stephen Calloway -- Botticelli and Victorian art collecting / Susanna Avery-Quash -- Botticelli and the pre-Raphaelites / Elizabeth Prettijohn -- Beardsley and Botticelli / Susan Owens -- Botticelli's path to modernity: 1850-1930 / Gabriel Montua -- Herbert Horne's Botticelli / Caroline Elam -- Warburg's Botticelli and Botticelli's nymph / Gerhard Wolf -- Bernard Berenson and America's discovery of Sandro Botticelli / Oliver Tostmann -- Botticelli, Yukio Yashiro and scholarship on Western art in Japan / Toshio Watanabe -- Botticelli and fashion / Sonnet Stanfill -- Filming Botticelli in post-war Italy / Riccardo Venturi -- Branding Venus: Botticelli as mirrored in American art since 1940 / Stefan Weppelmann -- The lessons of a new picture hang / Antonio Natali

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